What are you a stand for?

The past few months I've been presented with a few opportunities that were tempting, but felt off to me. Nothing nefarious. More like, "That's not really what I'm up to." Or, "I feel like I'd compromise my standards to do what you request."

So last month I took some time to really reflect on my core business values? What is Badassity really about? How do I want to relate to my client? What do I want to be a stand for?

After a few drafts and feedback here are the five core values I came up with:

Full Expression
We support the full human expression of each individual we touch. We celebrate the most radiant you.

We believe in continually re-imagining every aspect of what we do to more deeply serve our clients' bold visibility.

We believe in getting real while cultivating the best in us. Faking it is not an option.

We believe in the transformative power of loving service to others.

We believe in keeping our values, words and actions in alignment and correct course when we stumble. We're up front and transparent in all aspects of our business.


Four Pro Tips to Authentically Shine in Your Photo Session


Badass of the Month: Ariana