Three tips to using location to create standout personal brand images that position you as an authority

Ever go to a coach's website and see a conventional headshot photographed against a soft portrait studio backdrop? Of course we all have.

I hate these. They isolate you in a meaningless void - just floating in space. Frankly they're boring, and they make you a commodity. A huge missed opportunity to position yourself.

Ditch the fake background and get out of the studio! A sense of a specific, evocative location can make your brand images unique, meaningful and resonant. And will definitely set you apart.

Here are three tips to using location to create images that tell me something meaningful about what kind of transformational expert you are.

1. Use your location to communicate your authority as a transformational expert and your approachability as a human being.

But which do you lead with? If you're working within a competitive corporate environment, you may want to foreground your authority and expertise. A location that includes solid surfaces like stone or steel and includes hard, straight edges will subtly suggest elevated status and no-nonsense authority.

On the other hand, if you're a therapist or lead with your "softer" people skills, a location that includes nature, water, fabrics, softness, or curves will subliminally suggest empathy, warmth, and humanity.

2. Use the location to metaphorically suggest the world you inhabit or the transformation you offer.

Think about the kind of relationship you create with your clients and the solutions you offer. The environment of the photo can metaphorically suggest that relationship or transformation.

For instance, including an open doorway in the image can suggest new spaces and possibilities to enter into. A bridge can indicate overcoming an obstacle or a gap. Steps can hint at something higher (and better) than where you are right now.

Any of these elements can reinforce your message of transformation to your clients. And make your image more eye-catching as well!

3. Don't let the location steal the show.

Remember, the location is the supporting player, not the star. Avoid garish colors and busy-ness that steal the focus on you.

Suggest. Don't hit me over the head. Unless your brand-essence includes cheesy enthusiasm you don't want that vacation snapshot feel of "Hey, look! I'm standing in front of the Eiffel Tower!"

Selecting the right location for your brand photos can help you communicate a visual message as unique as you are.

Here's Brigette Sobus, whose brand-essence of power and joy is picked up in the solid, classic marble column and the unexpected pop of orange on the wall.

Own your badassity!


The photographer steps in front of the camera


Client Story: Roxanne Hori, Executive Coach